Service Dogs

Here at FSK9 we offer psychiatric support dogs that are fully trained to your specific needs.

We do require a doctors note/prescription. You do not have to disclose your condition but you need a medical referral stating the need for a trained service dog.

  • Service dogs are not emotional support dogs.

  • We will NOT train your dog just for plane travel or stays in a hotel. Our service dogs are trained specifically for the medical needs of their handlers. We do not condone the practice of taking fake service dogs into public areas.

Current availability: 2 programs for Fall 2024

Service Dogs Starting from $25k

  • After 8-24 months of training I will deliver the dog to you or you can pick up your dog from the ranch.

  • Starting tasks: 3 chosen tasks. Adding additional tasks are all separate costs. We will train up to 15 tasks per dog and adding tasks may add additional training time onto the dogs program before delivery.

  • Fully task trained and obedience trained with gear. All of your service dog gear and equipment is included into the cost of your program depending on the tasks involved.

  • Breeds: Doberman & Labs. If you’re interested in a GSD or Malinois/Dutch- you will undergo additional screening before purchasing a dog and there is an additional charge of $20k onto the price for a mechelse herder for import and sourcing fees.

  • Additional charges for my stay time at delivery. Included in the program is pick up from the ranch. If you need me to stay near your home and travel to your town, this can be calculated into your cost of the program. Many of our clients have us deliver the dog to their homes and then stay in the area for 2-3 weeks so that we can be there to mitigate any integration speed bumps during the delivery process. The time spent with you at delivery is your choice.

  • Monthly Payment Plans available upon request


Frequent Auditory Support Service Dog Tasks

Alert to Smoke/Fire Alarm.

Alerting to Phone Ringing.

Alerting to Door Bell.

Alert to Door Knocking.

Alerting to Police, Fire and Ambulance Sirens.

Alert to People Walking Up from Behind.

Alerting to Name Being Called.

Common Psychiatric Service Dog Tasks

Guide to an Exit.

Crowd Control (circling).

Block Approaching People.

Watch My Back.

Interrupt Crying, Dissociating, and Freezing Behaviors.

Disrupt Repetitive (Stereotypy) and Other Harmful Behaviors (skin picking, scratching, etc.).

Deep Pressure Therapy (DPT)

Service Dog Tasks: Alerts

Alerting Family Members.

Alert Handler to Another Person or Child Crying/Calling/Yelling.

Alerting for Help.

Alerting to Alarms.

Alert to Allergen in Food.

Alert to Allergen in the Area.

Alerting to Approaching Car.

Alert to Car Horn.

Alerting to Dangerous Medical Levels in the Body (Blood Pressure, Cortisol, etc).

Alert to Doorbell/Knocking.

Alerting to Handler’s Name Being Called.

Alert to Intruder.

Alerting to Person Coming Up Behind.

Alert to Phone.

Alerting to Seizures.

Alert to Siren.

Alerting to Sounds.

Alert to Unheard Dropped Item.

High Blood Sugar Alert.

Alert to Heartrate changes.

Alerting to Blood pressure changes.

Alert to fainting.

Mobility and Stability Service Dog Tasks

Assist with Grounding.

Assisting with Position Changes (e.g. Sitting to Standing, Laying to Sitting, etc).

Assist with Transfers.


Forward Momentum (in a wheelchair).

Forward Momentum (when walking).

Provide Momentum Up Inclines.

Provide Momentum Up Stairs.

Pull Handler with Strap (to change positions).

Wheelchair Pulling.

Answer the Door.

Service Dog Tasks: Environment Actions

Block approaching persons/animals, etc.

Block from Moving Towards Danger (busy road, away from home, etc).

Call 911 on a Dog-Friendly Phone.

Dial Pre-Programmed Number on a Dog-Friendly Phone.

Call Suicide Hotline on a Dog-Friendly Phone.

Carry Grocery Bags.

Carry Purse.

Carrying Items Up or Down Stairs.

Check the House.

Clean Up Items on the Floor (put in basket).

Clean-Up Trash on the Floor (put in the wastebasket).

Clear a Room (enter ahead of the handler and check for intruders).

Closing Washer/Dryer (with paw or nose).

Close Bathroom Stall Door.

Closing Doors (pulling closed with a tug).

Closing Doors (pushing closed with nose or paws).

Drag Heavy Items to Specific Location.

Drag Laundry Basket.

Find a Bathroom.

Find Assigned Seat (at school, work, etc.).

Finding Elevator/Stairs/Escalator.

Find Empty Seat.

Find the Car.

Open Sliding Door.

Open/Close Cabinet/Drawer.

Open/Close Dishwasher.

Opening/Closing Refrigerator.

Open/Close Bathroom Door.

Open Doors (Disability Button).

Opening Doors (pulling open using a tug).

Open Doors (pushing open with nose or paws).

Pull and Hold Heavy Door.

Pulling Blankets Off/On.

Pull Blinds/Curtains Closed/Open.

Push Floor Button to Turn on Lamp.

Throw Away Trash.

Turn On/Off Lights (with paw, nose, or teeth).

Unload Grocery Items.

Unload Items From the Washer or Dryer.

Watch My Back.

Interaction Service Dog Tasks

Bring a Note to a Person.

Crowd Control (circling).

Deliver a Credit Card or Money to a Cashier.

Delivering Items from Cashier to Handler.

Deliver Item to Person.

Find a Specific Person.

Follow a Designated Person.

Go Find Help.

Service Dog Tasks: Personal Actions


Crying Interruption/Response.

DPT (Deep Pressure Therapy).

Find Handler.

Find Disabled Handler (runners, wanderers, lost handler).

Flashback Interruption.

Help Sit Up if Slumped Over.

Help With Turning Over.

Interrupt Dissociation.

Interrupting Freezing Behavior.

Interrupt Harmful Behaviors.

Interrupting Panic/Anxiety Attack.

Interrupt Repetitive Behaviors.

Interrupt Scratching/Skin Picking.

Lick Face/Hands.

Diabetic Alert.

Medication Reminders.

Nightmare Interruption.

Panic/Anxiety Alert.

Paws Up to Help With Putting on Dog Gear.

Provide Distraction.

Providing Excuse to Leave Uncomfortable Situation.

Provide Pressure on the Chest to Produce Cough.

Push Paralyzed Limb Back into Place.

Remove Socks or Other Clothing.

Respond to Anxious Behaviors.

Roll Handler Onto Their Side (by nudging, pulling clothing).

Routine Reminders (e.g. feed the dog, eat meals, go to sleep, etc).

Tactile Stimulation.

Wake Handler.

Guiding Service Dog Tasks

Avoid Moving Objects (while guiding).

Guide Home.

Guide to an Exit.

Guiding to Specific Item.

Guide to Specific Location.

Guide to Specific Person.

Guiding to a Safe Place.

Indicate Barrier (while guiding).

Indicating Curbs (while guiding).

Indicate Drop-Offs (while guiding).

Indicate Stairs/Steps (while guiding).

Lead Around Ground Hazards (while guiding).

Leading Around Low Hanging Items (while guiding).

Lead Around Stationary Items (while guiding).

Refuse to Move Forward if Not Safe.

Service Dog Tasks: Retrieval

Retrieve Clothing Items (teach your dog to retrieve).

Retrieving Dog Bowls.

Retrieve Dropped Items.

Retrieve Emergency Medication.

Retrieving Items When Pointed To.

Retrieve Juice/Gatorade/Etc.

Retrieve Mobility Aid (e.g. Wheelchair, Cane, Walker, etc)

Retrieving Named Items.

Retrieve Phone.

Retrieve Purse/Wallet.

Retrieving Shoes.

Retrieve Tissue (when crying, sneezing, coughing).

Retrieve Towel (after a shower, bath).

Retrieving TV Remote.

Retrieve Vest/Harness/Leash/Gear.

Retrieve Water to Take Medication.

Retrieving Item from Store Shelf.

Retrieve Mail or Newspaper.

Get in touch today by contacting us and scheduling a consultation over zoom.